Monday 20 August 2012

Windows 8 - First Impressions

I have been wanting to check out Windows 8 for a long time... I have heard so many good things about it... However, yesterday I finally managed to install Windows 8 RTM on my laptop.

These are my first impressions
  1. User Interface is really cool... Very similar to the Windows Phone 7 interface. If you have used WP7, then you will get a hang of it fairly quickly.
  2. Application Store is really cool. Something new for Windows users.
  3. Moving between normal desktop and Windows 8 Style UI is very smooth
  4. It takes time to get hang of the UI gestures using mouse when using Windows 8 in your laptop or PC
I guess overall Microsoft has done a good job with the OS which is the similar for Desktop/Laptop, Tablet and WP8.

However, i think given that the UI takes time to get used to mainly because of the gestures, users using Windows 8 in Desktop/Laptop might not instantly like it and it may delay the migration from the current OS (Windows XP/Vista/7) to Windows 8.

It is indeed one of the biggest gamble Microsoft is doing with Windows 8!!!

Friday 13 July 2012

Moving Controllers to a Seperate Assembly in ASP.NET MVC

I saw a really great tip very recently about moving the controllers which is part of the ASP.NET MVC project to a seperate assembly from Keith Burnell.

This helps in to make the ASP.NET MVC project more testable and also helps to achieve seperation of concerns...

Thanks Keith for this great tip...